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随着公众移动通信的快速发展,伪基站的泛滥不仅破坏正常电信秩序,危害公共安全,而且严重损害群众财产权益,侵犯公民个人隐私,已成为社会一大公害。如何从垃圾短信大数据中挖掘出伪基站活动的时空规律,寻找有效的防控方案,从源头上进行打击和治理成为管理部门和研究者共同关注的焦点。本文基于北京市垃圾短信数据,利用非负矩阵分解的方法分析伪基站的时空分布规律;并利用TF-IDF构建垃圾短信分类模型,对垃圾短信进行分类,结合土地利用数据,分析伪基站在发送不同类型垃圾短信时的时空分布规律。结果显示:北京市垃圾短信多分布于路网和中心城区;白天垃圾短信数量远远多于晚上;垃圾短信的分布随时间的推移沿着路网逐渐向内收缩;发送不同类型垃圾短信的伪基站的时空分布具有一定的差异;通过非负矩阵分解得到的结果,与垃圾短信分类后得到的结果有很好的匹配。研究表明,非负矩阵分解具有实现上的简便性、分解形式和分解结果上的可解释性等优点,可以有针对性的为有关部门建言打击伪基站的有效方案,对于伪基站违法行为的治理具有一定的意义。  相似文献   
The consumptive effects of predators are widely acknowledged, but predation can also impact prey populations through non‐consumptive effects (NCEs) such as costly antipredator behavioral responses. The magnitude of antipredator behavioral responses by prey is determined by an assessment of risk using sensory cues, which in turn is modulated by the environmental context. We studied the detection behavior and escape response of the keyhole limpet Fissurella limbata from the predatory sea star Heliaster helianthus. Through laboratory and field experimental trials, we quantified the distance and time of predator detection behavior by the prey, and measured their active escape responses when elicited. We found that predator detection by the limpet was chiefly mediated by distance, with experimental individuals capable of detecting predator presence effectively up to distances of at least 50 cm in the field and 70 cm under laboratory conditions. Our results indicate that this prey species is able to evaluate the proximity of its predator and use it as an indication of predation risk; therefore, predator–prey distance appears to be a primary predictor of the magnitude of the antipredator response. Given the tight relationship between predator distance and prey movement and the important role herbivores can play, particularly in this ecosystem, we expect that NCEs will cascade to the patterns of abundance and composition of rocky shore communities through changes in prey foraging behavior under risk.  相似文献   
Groundwater, as a drinking water source for nearly one third of the world’s urban population, plays a strategic role in the development of urbanization. The object of this study is urban areas with the largest demand for water resources, the heaviest load of groundwater pollution and the most intense development of underground projects. This study sorted out the eco-hydrological problems such as the variation of the groundwater hydrological process, the groundwater pollution, and the urban heat island of groundwater in urban areas under the background of urbanization. Furthermore, the mechanism of changes in the quantity, quality and heat of groundwater was also systematically analyzed, and the intrinsic interaction among these three factors was revealed. The study showed that changes in land use and land cover caused by the urbanization are the main reasons for the variation of groundwater hydrological process. The pollution load of urbanization construction and domestic production waste has aggravated the deterioration of groundwater quality. The increase in vertical heat flux caused by urbanization gives rise to the warming of groundwater. By summarizing the eco-hydrological problems and causes of groundwater in urbanized areas, several suggestions were proposed: Establishing the evaluation method and system of urban groundwater resources; Speeding up the technological breakthroughs of groundwater pollution control; Improving the regional control strategies for groundwater pollution; Optimizing the allocation of groundwater resources. This study will provide the theoretical basis and technical support for ensuring urban water safety, building ecological civilized cities and further promoting the sustainable development of economy and society.  相似文献   
关键金属元素分析测试技术方法应用进展   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
以稀有、稀散、稀土、铂族元素为主体的战略性关键金属矿产资源,在新材料、新能源和信息技术等新兴产业中发挥着越来越关键的作用。随着我国关键矿产资源地质调查的不断深入,关键金属元素以其赋存基体复杂、不同矿物含量差异大、化学性质不稳定等特点对分析测试技术提出了新的挑战。本文根据化学组成不同,对关键金属元素主要赋存基体进行了分类,主要分为硅酸盐、碳酸盐、硫酸盐、钨酸盐、磷酸盐、氧化物、硫化物、卤化物等。对于不同的基体岩石矿物,通常采用酸溶法(硝酸-氢氟酸组合、王水)或碱熔法等传统溶样方法进行化学消解。评述了当前关键金属元素测试常用的电子探针、电感耦合等离子体质谱、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱、X射线荧光光谱等仪器的特点及应用,总结了关键金属元素分析过程中出现的样品难溶解、回收率不完全、测试过程氧化物和同质异位素干扰、样品和标准基体不一致等常见问题,并提出了相应的解决方案。微区原位分析凭借其高效率、低成本、高空间分辨率的优势,以及野外现场分析凭借其简单快速、贴近野外工作的特点是关键金属元素测试技术发展的主要趋势。  相似文献   
本文在对马达加斯加地质演化研究成果分析的基础上,通过野外调查和监测,结合已有水文资料对Mahajanga盆地岩溶的水文效应开展研究。受地质结构、岩性等条件的控制,Mahajanga盆地东部演化形成绵延近300 km的岩溶槽,在西南部则形成面积达12 000 km2的岩溶台地。岩溶槽和岩溶台地的岩溶发育均以水平方向为主,垂直方向发育较浅,岩溶形态则呈现出明显的均等溶蚀特征。盆地东部岩溶槽拦截了大部分来自高原的河流,是马达加斯加最重要的汇流区,同时,特殊的地质结构也演化形成独特的地下“汇流”系统。岩溶槽区内平缓的河床比降、复杂的河流网络、星罗棋布的湖泊和洼地、分布广泛的松散堆积层以及面积广阔的地下岩溶系统,构成了巨大的水循环调节库,对水文过程将产生较大的“滞流”效应。盆地西南部的岩溶台地面积广,规模大,是一个巨大的天然储水“水库”,对地表径流起到重要的调节作用。   相似文献   
铁同位素分析测试技术研究进展   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
铁是地球上丰度最高的变价元素,在自然界大量分布于各类矿物、岩石、流体和生物体中,并广泛参与成岩作用、成矿作用、热液活动和生命活动过程。铁同位素组成对地球化学、天体化学和生物化学方面提供重要的信息,是同位素地球化学研究领域的热点。铁同位素的精确测量是开展相关研究的重要基础。本文评述了铁同位素测试技术的研究进展,主要包括:①溶液法测试铁同位素样品纯化过程中阴离子树脂的改进;②质谱分析从传统的热电离质谱法发展为多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱法;③激光微区原位测试技术的研发等。在此基础上,对测试过程中会导致产生铁同位素分馏的步骤和校正方法进行了总结,并对各种测试方法的优缺点进行了评述。本文认为:溶液法分析流程长且复杂,但分析精度高(0.03‰,2SD)、方法稳定;微区原位分析方法从纳秒激光剥蚀发展为飞秒激光剥蚀,脉冲持续时间更短、脉冲峰值强度更高(可达10~(12)W),聚焦强度超过10~(20)W/cm~2,使其具有分析速度快、空间分辨率高的优势。微区原位法可以从微观角度去讨论铁同位素变化的地球化学过程,但基体效应的存在限制了微区原位铁同位素的广泛应用。因此,缩短溶液法分析流程,开发系列基体匹配的标准样品,是铁同位素分析方法研发的方向。  相似文献   
Farmland abandonment is a global problem and considered one of the most important areas in land use change research. Farmland abandonment research currently focuses on understanding the factors that affect farmland abandonment and developing scientific models to simulate farmland abandonment. The study reviewed the natural and political factors driving farmland abandonment and summarized the main models for farmland abandonment simulation together with their advantages and disadvantages. We discuss the main ecological effects of farmland abandonment and propose farmland abandonment research directions. The study found that: (1) the influence of labor cost change and ageing labor force on farmland abandonment needs further investigation, (2) simulation models for farmland abandonment must include the decision-making mechanism of individual farmers and focus on macro large-scale abandonment prediction models, and (3) the influence of farmland abandonment on landscape culture must be investigated in detail.  相似文献   
卫星双向时间传递(Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer, TWSTFT)是目前精度最高的时间传递方法之一,同时也是参与国际原子时计算的守时实验室之间比较原子时尺度的一种主要方法.提高TWSTFT链路的短期稳定度,降低周日效应对链路时间传递结果的影响,对优化TAI (International Atomic Time)的性能具有现实意义.提出了一种基于条件平差的TWSTFT链路性能优化方法,先依据TWSTFT链路测量噪声水平与谱分析结果建立TWSTFT链路性能优化网络(简称优化网络),再根据优化网络中各链路测量噪声分析结果设置权系数阵,建立条件平差模型.选取亚太地区的中国计量科学研究院(National Institute of Metrology, NIM)-中国科学院国家授时中心(National Time Service Center, NTSC)卫星双向时间传递链路作为待优化链路,以NTSC、NIM以及德国联邦物理技术研究所(Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt,PTB)之间的TWSTFT链路组成优化网络,对优化网络的组网方法和条件平差模型进行实验验证.结果表明,平差后待优化链路短期稳定度得到了改善,同时其受周日效应的影响降低了约24.6%.使用该方法,能够有效提高待优化链路的时间传递性能.  相似文献   
使用黄土河谷场地模型对地震动峰值加速度和频谱特征进行研究。结果表明,不同工况下各观测点PGA的放大比呈现出不同的变化规律。分析山顶和山谷各点的傅里叶谱以及谱比发现,在地形和土层共同作用下的放大效应是各自单独作用下放大效应的乘积。  相似文献   
本文提出了一种基于纹理特征的围填海SAR图像分水岭分割方法,首先对机载MiniSAR图像进行灰度共生矩阵纹理滤波,获得纹理特征图像,再对纹理特征图像进行分水岭算法分割,将获得的形态学重建图像进行门限阈值分割,得到最后的二值化分割结果。该方法一方面通过调整灰度共生矩阵纹理滤波的窗口大小,抑制了斑点噪声的影响;另一方面,利用分水岭算法对边缘模糊杂乱图像的优势,提高了围填海信息提取的准确性。实验结果表明,本方法对高分辨率SAR图像围填海监测图像的分割效果良好。  相似文献   
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